Monday, June 1, 2009

summer revision smackdown: day one

This Summer Revision Smackdown, organized by Jolie Stekly and Holly Cupala, began June first. That's today! TODAY!

On her blog, Holly wrote about her weekly goals, as the big goals need to be broken down into smaller tasks, and suggested that all of us Smackdown participants (and the region will be running out of licorice whips, to be sure) get our weekly goals established.

My big goal is to revise my graphic novel manuscript and finish the four page booklet (plus cover) so that I might finally submit it to the mystery recipient. Now for the weekly goal.

This week's Summer Revision Smackdown goal: create finished artwork for page one.

I dare not set a goal greater than this, though my brain tells me more! MORE! But I would rather err on the safe side of success, than put myself through the dispiriting defeat of over-ambition. I'm rusty! I am going to give myself all the help I can get. And that means, for now, one goal at a time.


  1. Hooray, Karen! I hope you have a whiplashing week of art creation. It's great to have you over at the smackdown!
